Cogmind - Beta 14 @@@ ROGUE MODE // 2024.08.13 @ 01:36:16 Player: Cereal Killer Result: Destroyed by G-50 Soldier with Heavy Laser Performance ------------- Evolutions (5) 2500 Regions Visited (5) 1000 Robots Destroyed (42) 210 Value Destroyed (1306) 1306 Prototype IDs (16) 320 Alien Tech Used (0) 0 Bonus (247) 247 TOTAL SCORE: 5583 Bonus ------- High Alert Combat Kills 185 Follower Combat Kills 137 Registered with UFD 300 Friendly Fire -375 Cogmind --------- Core Integrity 0/1000 Matter 79/300 Energy 85/100 System Corruption 5% Temperature Cool (9) Movement Flying (35) Location -5/Factory Parts ------- > --- POWER (2) -------- (None) > --- PROPULSION (2) --- Cesium-ion Thruster > --- UTILITY (9) ------ (None) > --- WEAPON (4) ------- (None) > --- INVENTORY (5) ---- Cesium-ion Thruster Peak State ------------ > --- POWER ------------ Reinforced Ion Engine Angular Momentum Engine > --- PROPULSION ------- Armored Huge Wheel > --- UTILITY ---------- Scrap Suit Improved Cooling System High-capacity Storage Unit Experimental Terrain Scanner Surveybot 17 Chip Layered Medium Armor Plating Improved Shield Generator Hacking Suite > --- WEAPON ----------- Proton Cannon Gauss Cannon Enhanced Gauss Cannon Enhanced Gauss Cannon > --- INVENTORY -------- Reinforced Ion Engine Reinforced Ion Engine Light Fission Core Large Storage Unit Armor Integrity Analyzer Phase Shifter System Restoration Module Gauss Rifle Heavy Rocket Launcher CPS Tube CPS Tube CPS Tube Spear [Rating: 81] Favorites ----------- Power Reinforced Ion Engine Engine Reinforced Ion Engine Power Core Light Fission Core Propulsion Armored Huge Wheel Treads Light Treads Leg Flexi-carbon Leg Wheel Armored Huge Wheel Hover Unit Cooled Gravmag System Flight Unit Cesium-ion Thruster Utility Large Storage Unit Device Improved Cooling System Storage Large Storage Unit Processor Surveybot 17 Chip Hackware Hacking Suite Protection Layered Medium Armor Plating Weapon Flamer Energy Gun EM Shotgun Energy Cannon Proton Cannon Ballistic Gun Assault Rifle Ballistic Cannon Gauss Cannon Launcher Subdweller Shrapnel Launcher Special Weapon Flamer Piercing Weapon Spear Build | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Slots Evolved 10 | . . . . . 10 Power 1 | . . . . . 1 Propulsion . | . . . . . . Utility 7 | . . . . . 7 Weapon 2 | . . . . . 2 Parts Attached 81 | 7 4 21 5 . 44 Power 9 | 1 1 . . . 7 Engine 8 | 1 1 . . . 6 Core 1 | . . . . . 1 Reactor . | . . . . . . Propulsion 17 | 2 . 9 1 . 5 Treads 4 | . . 4 . . . Leg 2 | . . . . . 2 Wheel 9 | 2 . 5 1 . 1 Hover 1 | . . . . . 1 Flight 1 | . . . . . 1 Utility 23 | 2 2 2 1 . 16 Device 14 | 1 . 2 1 . 10 Storage 4 | 1 2 . . . 1 Processor 3 | . . . . . 3 Hackware 1 | . . . . . 1 Protection 1 | . . . . . 1 Artifact . | . . . . . . Weapon 32 | 2 1 10 3 . 16 Energy Gun 4 | . . 2 . . 2 Energy Cannon 2 | . . . . . 2 Ballistic Gun 6 | 2 . 1 . . 3 Ballistic Cannon 11 | . . 5 2 . 4 Launcher 2 | . . 1 . . 1 Special Weapon 6 | . 1 1 1 . 3 Impact Weapon . | . . . . . . Slashing Weapon . | . . . . . . Piercing Weapon 1 | . . . . . 1 Special Melee Weapon . | . . . . . . Unidentified Prototypes 1 | . . . . . 1 Parts Lost 38 | . . 4 . . 34 Power 5 | . . . . . 5 Propulsion 8 | . . 3 . . 5 Utility 11 | . . 1 . . 10 Weapon 14 | . . . . . 14 Highest Loss Streak 14 | . . 1 . . 14 To Critical Strikes 1 | . . . . . 1 Average Slot Usage (%) 86 | . 100 99 94 85 61 Engine 13 | . 14 14 14 14 9 Wheel 16 | . 28 24 23 14 3 Device 13 | . 14 13 13 14 12 Storage 12 | . 14 14 14 14 4 Processor 1 | . . . . . 5 Energy Gun 1 | . . 6 . . . Ballistic Gun 3 | . 24 3 . . 2 Ballistic Cannon 11 | . . 11 13 14 8 Special Weapon 8 | . 3 1 14 14 1 Peak Build Rating 81 | 9 11 14 24 27 81 Average Rating 24 | 3 9 12 18 24 52 On Entrance 14 | . 9 11 13 24 27 Naked Turns 6 | . . . . . 6 Heaviest Build 115 | 15 34 43 41 41 115 Greatest Support 40 | 32 32 40 28 28 28 Greatest Overweight (x) 21 | . 1 1 1 1 21 Average Overweight (x) 1 | . . . 1 1 3 Largest Inventory Capacity 20 | 8 15 15 15 15 20 Average Capacity 14 | 6 10 15 15 15 17 Most Carried 15 | 7 10 15 15 15 14 Average Carried 12 | 3 7 11 14 14 9 Final Capacity 15 | 8 15 15 15 15 5 Final Carried 15 | 4 10 15 15 15 1 Class Distribution -------------------- 49% | Mutant 39% | Commander-Mutant 4% | Commander-Tank 4% | Commander-Skirmisher Dominant Class ---------------- Mutant | -10/Materials Mutant | -10/Subcaves Mutant | -7/Recycling Commander-Mutant | -7/Scraptown Mutant | -5/Factory Resources | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ----------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Matter Collected 1627 | 266 182 413 111 . 655 Remotely . | . . . . . . Salvage Created 1355 | 28 297 192 44 . 794 Parts 77 | 3 27 12 3 . 32 Haulers Intercepted 3 | . 1 . . . 2 Recyclers Shooed . | . . . . . . Parts Field Recycled . | . . . . . . Retrieved Matter . | . . . . . . Parts Self-Destructed 10 | . . 10 . . . Prevented . | . . . . . . Kills | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Combat Hostiles Destroyed 25 | . 7 6 2 . 10 Melee 1 | . . . . . 1 Guns 10 | . 7 1 . . 2 Cannons 9 | . . 3 2 . 4 AOE 4 | . . 2 . . 2 Classes Destroyed 14 | 1 4 3 2 . 4 Worker 2 | . . . 1 . 1 Builder 2 | . . . . . 2 Tunneler 2 | 1 1 . . . . Hauler 3 | . 1 . . . 2 Recycler 1 | . . . . . 1 Turret 2 | . . 2 . . . Watcher 3 | . 2 . . . 1 Swarmer 8 | . 3 2 1 . 2 Grunt 7 | . 4 . . . 3 Brawler 1 | . . . . . 1 Sentry 2 | . . 1 . . 1 Hunter 3 | . . . . . 3 Programmer 3 | . . . 1 . 2 Subdweller 3 | . . 3 . . . Best Kill Streak 6 | 1 6 2 3 . 5 Combat Bots Only 3 | . 3 2 2 . 3 Max Kills in Single Turn 5 | 1 2 2 1 . 5 Gunslinging . | . . . . . . Exploded 2 | . . 2 . . 2 Melee 1 | . . . . . 1 Uniques/NPCs Destroyed . | . . . . . . Combat | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 -------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Hostile Shots Fired 416 | . 32 68 10 . 306 Missed 103 | . 6 22 3 . 72 Damage Taken 5190 | . 280 538 107 . 4265 Core 1214 | . 97 69 32 . 1016 Absorbed by Shields 154 | . . . . . 154 Regen/Repaired (Parts) 45 | . . . . . 45 Core Remaining (%) 60 | 100 . . . 20 . Volleys Fired 136 | 1 34 23 4 . 74 Largest 4 | 2 2 2 2 . 4 Hottest 253 | 40 100 84 148 . 253 Shots Fired 252 | 2 61 41 8 . 140 Gun 151 | 2 54 16 . . 79 Cannon 75 | . . 19 4 . 52 Launcher 9 | . . 6 . . 3 Special 17 | . 7 . 4 . 6 Kinetic 194 | 2 54 34 4 . 100 Thermal 34 | . 7 . 4 . 23 Explosive 3 | . . . . . 3 Electromagnetic 18 | . . 7 . . 11 Robot Hit Streak 16 | 1 8 13 4 . 16 Robot Miss Streak 7 | 1 3 1 1 . 7 Penetration Max 1 | . . . . . 1 Secondary Targets . | . . . . . . Shots Hit Robots 148 | 1 33 17 5 . 92 Core Hits 76 | 1 19 11 3 . 42 Critical Kills . | . . . . . . Critical Parts Destroyed 2 | . 1 . . . 1 Critical Strikes 8 | . 1 . 1 . 6 Burn 1 | . . . 1 . . Destroy 2 | . 1 . . . 1 Blast 5 | . . . . . 5 Melee Attacks 5 | . . . . . 5 Impact . | . . . . . . Slashing . | . . . . . . Piercing 5 | . . . . . 5 Sneak Attacks . | . . . . . . Combat Hostiles . | . . . . . . Follow-up Attacks . | . . . . . . Damage Inflicted 4849 | 14 428 565 132 . 3710 Guns 1845 | 14 428 133 . . 1270 Cannons 1191 | . . 142 97 . 952 Explosions 1640 | . . 290 . . 1350 Melee 123 | . . . . . 123 Ramming 3 | . . . . . 3 Kinetic 2768 | 14 428 491 97 . 1738 Thermal 1257 | . . 44 35 . 1178 Explosive 495 | . . . . . 495 Electromagnetic 203 | . . 30 . . 173 Impact . | . . . . . . Slashing . | . . . . . . Piercing 123 | . . . . . 123 Highest Corruption 5 | . . . . . 5 Average Corruption 3 | . . . . . 3 Corruption Purged . | . . . . . . Corruption Blocked . | . . . . . . Effects 10 | . . . . . 10 Message Errors 3 | . . . . . 3 Matter Fused 4 | . . . . . 4 Energy Discharges 1 | . . . . . 1 Parts Rejected 1 | . . . . . 1 Weapon Failures 1 | . . . . . 1 Overload Shots . | . . . . . . Overflow Damage 283 | . . 27 13 . 243 Projectiles 29 | . . . 13 . 16 Explosions 254 | . . 27 . . 227 Melee . | . . . . . . Knockbacks 6 | . . 2 . . 4 Impact . | . . . . . . Kinetic 6 | . . 2 . . 4 Secondary . | . . . . . . Self-Inflicted Damage 177 | . . 26 . . 151 Shots 5 | . . 1 . . 4 Rammed 5 | . . . . . 5 Targets Rammed 5 | . . . . . 5 Kicked . | . . . . . . Crushed . | . . . . . . Highest Temperature 444 | . 184 20 . . 444 Average Temperature 139 | . 67 8 . . 162 Received Heat Transfer 1540 | . 117 267 . . 1156 Effects 3 | . . . . . 3 Energy Bleed 2 | . . . . . 2 Matter Decay 1 | . . . . . 1 Siege Activations . | . . . . . . Robots Corrupted 1 | . . . . . 1 Combat Hostiles 1 | . . . . . 1 Parts Fried . | . . . . . . Impact Corruptions . | . . . . . . Robots Melted . | . . . . . . Combat Hostiles . | . . . . . . Parts Melted 3 | . . . 2 . 1 Heat Transferred 1772 | . . 100 400 . 1272 Parts Sabotaged 3 | . . . . . 3 Parts Stolen . | . . . . . . Parts Stripped . | . . . . . . Power Chain Reactions 1 | . . 1 . . . Alert | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Peak Influence 777 | 5 351 . 92 . 777 Initial 64 | . 3 . 64 . . Average 247 | . 171 . 53 . 502 Maximum Alert Level 3 | . 1 . . . 3 Low Security (%) 58 | 100 60 . 100 . 11 Level 1 16 | . 39 . . . 23 Level 2 8 | . . . . . 22 Level 3 16 | . . . . . 42 Level 4 . | . . . . . . Level 5 . | . . . . . . High Security . | . . . . . . Max Security . | . . . . . . Squads Dispatched 9 | . . . . . 9 Investigation 3 | . . . . . 3 Extermination 2 | . . . . . 2 Reinforcement 1 | . . . . . 1 Assault 2 | . . . . . 2 Garrison 1 | . . . . . 1 Intercept . | . . . . . . Searches Triggered . | . . . . . . Construction Impeded 1 | . . . . . 1 Haulers Reinforced . | . . . . . . Active Scanning Responses . | . . . . . . Cargo Convoy Interrupts . | . . . . . . Stealth | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Distress Signals 2 | . 1 . . . 1 Communications Jammed . | . . . . . . Distress Signals . | . . . . . . Times Spotted 57 | . 12 11 2 . 32 Peak Tracking Total 10 | . 3 4 2 . 10 Tactical Retreats 10 | . 4 4 . . 2 Traps | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Traps Triggered . | . . . . . . Indirectly . | . . . . . . Trap Hack Attempts . | . . . . . . Triggered . | . . . . . . Disarmed . | . . . . . . Reprogrammed . | . . . . . . Reused . | . . . . . . Traps Extracted . | . . . . . . Installed . | . . . . . . Triggered . | . . . . . . Machines | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ---------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Machines Disabled 10 | . . 3 . . 7 Max in Single Turn 3 | . . 3 . . 2 Garrison Access 2 | . . . . . 2 Machines Repaired . | . . . . . . Machines Dismantled . | . . . . . . Machines Sabotaged . | . . . . . . Overloaded Fab Kills . | . . . . . . Hacking | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Machines Accessed 20 | . 4 1 7 4 4 Terminals 11 | . 4 . 6 . 1 Fabricators . | . . . . . . Repair Stations . | . . . . . . Recycling Units 2 | . . . 1 . 1 Scanalyzers . | . . . . . . Garrison Access 2 | . . . . . 2 Total Hacks 75 | . 10 4 21 32 8 Successful 52 | . 6 4 6 32 4 Failed 23 | . 4 . 15 . 4 Catastrophic 5 | . 1 . 2 . 2 Database Lockouts . | . . . . . . Manual 16 | . 4 . 7 . 5 Terminals 32 | . 10 . 20 . 2 Fabricators . | . . . . . . Repair Stations . | . . . . . . Recycling Units 3 | . . . 1 . 2 Scanalyzers . | . . . . . . Garrison Access 4 | . . . . . 4 Terminal Hacks 46 | . 5 4 4 32 1 Record 30 | . . 4 . 26 . Robot Schematic 1 | . . . 1 . . Robot Analysis 9 | . 2 . 1 6 . Prototype ID Bank 3 | . 1 . 2 . . Branch Access Points 1 | . 1 . . . . Recycling Unit Index 1 | . . . . . 1 Zone Layout 1 | . 1 . . . . Fabricator Hacks . | . . . . . . Repair Station Hacks . | . . . . . . Recycling Unit Hacks 1 | . . . 1 . . Report Inventory 1 | . . . 1 . . Scanalyzer . | . . . . . . Garrison Access Hacks . | . . . . . . Unauthorized Hacks 5 | . 1 . 1 . 3 Terminals 3 | . 1 . 1 . 1 Botnet 3 | . 1 . 1 . 1 Fabricators . | . . . . . . Repair Stations . | . . . . . . Recycling Units . | . . . . . . Scanalyzers . | . . . . . . Garrison Access 2 | . . . . . 2 Jam 2 | . . . . . 2 Data Cores Recovered . | . . . . . . Used . | . . . . . . Hacking Detections 12 | . 4 . 6 . 2 Full Trace Events 1 | . . . . . 1 Feedback Events . | . . . . . . Feedback Blocked . | . . . . . . Robot Schematics Acquired 1 | . . . 1 . . Robots Built . | . . . . . . Authchips . | . . . . . . Time . | . . . . . . Total Robot Build Rating . | . . . . . . Part Schematics Acquired . | . . . . . . Parts Built . | . . . . . . Authchips . | . . . . . . Time . | . . . . . . Total Part Build Rating . | . . . . . . Parts Repaired . | . . . . . . Time . | . . . . . . Parts Recycled . | . . . . . . Recycled Matter . | . . . . . . Retrieved Matter . | . . . . . . Retrieved Components . | . . . . . . Parts Scanalyzed . | . . . . . . Part Schematics Acquired . | . . . . . . Parts Damaged . | . . . . . . Bothacking | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------------ Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Used RIF Installer . | . . . . . . Robots Hacked . | . . . . . . Non-combat . | . . . . . . Combat . | . . . . . . Robot Hacks Applied . | . . . . . . Relay Couplers Released 2 | . . . . . 2 Machine Destruction 2 | . . . . . 2 Fabnet Peak Effective % . | . . . . . . Robots Rewired 9 | . . . 7 . 2 Allies Hacked 1 | . . . . . 1 Hacks Repelled . | . . . . . . Allies | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 -------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Total Allies 9 | . . . 7 . 2 Largest Group 9 | . . . 7 7 9 Highest-Rated Group 176 | . . . 106 106 176 Highest-Rated Ally 41 | . . . 20 20 41 Total Orders . | . . . . . . Ally Attacks 36 | . . . . . 36 Total Damage 637 | . . . . . 637 Kills 3 | . . . . . 3 Allies Corrupted . | . . . . . . Allies Melted . | . . . . . . Intel | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Robot Analysis Total 9 | . 2 . 1 6 . Derelict Logs Recovered 4 | . . . . 4 . Drone Launches . | . . . . . . Drone Recoveries . | . . . . . . Exploration | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 ------------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Turns Passed 4757 | 70 440 882 878 1625 862 Spaces Moved 3415 | 52 300 670 679 1382 332 Core 41 | 3 . . . . 38 Treads 48 | . . 48 . . . Legs 24 | . . . . . 24 Wheels 3302 | 49 300 622 679 1382 270 Hover . | . . . . . . Flight . | . . . . . . Fastest Speed 50 | 50 100 95 105 115 50 Average Speed 116 | 97 101 114 107 115 164 Slowest Speed 1100 | 100 115 240 115 115 1100 Overloaded Moves . | . . . . . . Propulsion Burnouts . | . . . . . . Robots Hopped . | . . . . . . Cave-ins Triggered . | . . . . . . Exploration Rate (%) 47 | 3 59 27 95 91 7 Regions Visited 5 Branch Regions 3 Pre-discovered Areas 5 | . . . . 5 . Known Exits Taken 2 | . . 1 . 1 . Unknown Exits Taken 3 | 1 1 . 1 . . Scrap Searched 11 | . . 7 . 4 . Spaces Dug 5 | . 3 2 . . . Terrain Destroyed 205 | . 3 67 1 . 134 Melee . | . . . . . . Projectile 18 | . 3 2 1 . 12 AOE 187 | . . 65 . . 122 Terrain Rammed . | . . . . . . Walls Destroyed . | . . . . . . Machines Disabled . | . . . . . . Actions | -11 -10 -10 -7 -7 -5 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Sub Rec Scr Fac Total 3929 | 69 366 736 818 1423 517 Wait 88 | . 11 8 27 21 21 Move 3410 | 51 299 669 678 1381 332 Hop . | . . . . . . Pick Up 69 | 10 11 12 5 10 21 Fast Attach 12 | 1 . . 2 . 9 Attach 43 | 6 . 4 2 . 31 Detach 1 | . . . 1 . . Swap 26 | . 4 17 1 . 4 Drop 29 | . 7 3 8 11 . Fire 136 | 1 34 23 4 . 74 Melee 5 | . . . . . 5 Ram 5 | . . . . . 5 Kick . | . . . . . . Crush . | . . . . . . Escape Stasis . | . . . . . . Rewire 105 | . . . 90 . 15 Trap . | . . . . . . Miscellaneous . | . . . . . . Route ------- -11/Scrapyard -10/Materials (discovered 5 exits: [*Mat x2] / Min x2 / *Sub) -10/Subcaves -7/Recycling (discovered 2 exits: *Fac / *Scr) -7/Scraptown (discovered 2 exits: *Fac x2) -5/Factory (discovered 8 exits: Fac x4 / Upp x2 / Ext x2) History --------- Turn | Location | Event 13 | -11/Scrapyard | Discovered new exit (range 16) 71 | -11/Scrapyard | Entered Materials 262 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 16) 317 | -10/Materials | Build established: Mutant 371 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 16) 379 | -10/Materials | Identified exit to Mines 500 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 4) 511 | -10/Materials | Entered Subcaves 666 | -10/Subcaves | Disturbed a concealed Subdweller 670 | -10/Subcaves | Disturbed a concealed Subdweller 782 | -10/Subcaves | Visited Clippyterm 785 | -10/Subcaves | Identified exit to Recycling 785 | -10/Subcaves | Learned 40 Factory zone layouts 968 | -10/Subcaves | Core integrity fell below 50% 992 | -10/Subcaves | Ambushed by Subdweller buried in earth 1393 | -10/Subcaves | Entered Recycling 2174 | -7/Recycling | Discovered new exit (range 12) 2216 | -7/Recycling | Scanned before Scraplab entrance 2265 | -7/Recycling | Discovered new exit (range 2) 2271 | -7/Recycling | Entered Scraptown 2271 | -7/Scraptown | Accompanied by 7 allies 2319 | -7/Scraptown | Build established: Commander-Mutant 2519 | -7/Scraptown | Scanned Subdweller tech in exchange for log data 2522 | -7/Scraptown | Learned Factory security intel 2523 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of 1 exit from Factory 2524 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of Testing (-2) 2541 | -7/Scraptown | Discovered new exit (range 5) 2629 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Fellowship of the Rings 2664 | -7/Scraptown | Visited SPCMW 2697 | -7/Scraptown | Visited UFD Registry 2697 | -7/Scraptown | Registered with UFD as "Beamsplitter" 2717 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Cave Peace 2759 | -7/Scraptown | Visited CPS Storage 3014 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Cartography Club 3040 | -7/Scraptown | Found Surveybot 17 Chip 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of Recycling (-7) 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of Proximity Caves (-4) 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of Quarantine (-3) 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned 20 Factory zone layouts 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned 16 Research zone layouts 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned 4 Recycling zone layouts 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned 12 Lower Caves zone layouts 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned 20 Lower Caves zone layouts 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of 3 exits from Factory 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of 1 exit from Proximity Caves 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Learned location of 3 exits from Proximity Caves 3099 | -7/Scraptown | Identified exit to Factory 3150 | -7/Scraptown | Visited LU-1G1's Boring Crew 3242 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Junk Repository 3294 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Analyses Database 3314 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Research Penetration Think Tank 3432 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Observation Area 3480 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Scrap Suit Storage 3501 | -7/Scraptown | Found Scrap Suit 3523 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Chapter 10 3717 | -7/Scraptown | Visited DA-N13 Charitable Foundation 3747 | -7/Scraptown | Visited Infowarlord's Domain 3758 | -7/Scraptown | Found Exp. Terrain Scanner 3896 | -7/Scraptown | Entered Factory 3896 | -5/Factory | Accompanied by 7 allies 3896 | -5/Factory | Evolved 10 slots: Power x1, Utility x7, Weapon x2 3897 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Extension 3898 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Upper Caves 3898 | -5/Factory | Identified exit to Factory 4198 | -5/Factory | Garrison activated, responded to threat 4333 | -5/Factory | P-70 Sage assimilated allied Engineer 4a 4338 | -5/Factory | P-70 Sage assimilated allied Gladiator 4a 4347 | -5/Factory | P-70 Sage assimilated allied Gladiator 4b 4351 | -5/Factory | P-70 Sage assimilated allied Slayer 6a 4438 | -5/Factory | Lost 14 parts (1p1n6u6w) 4496 | -5/Factory | First assault squad dispatched 4636 | -5/Factory | Core integrity fell below 50% 4646 | -5/Factory | Released all parts (6) 4676 | -5/Factory | Lost 9 parts (2p2n2u3w) 4733 | -5/Factory | Lost 4 parts (1p1n2w) 4734 | -5/Factory | Core integrity fell below 20% 4758 | -5/Factory | Destroyed by G-50 Soldier with Heavy Laser Last Messages --------------- Slug penetrates G-67 Veteran. Adv. Heat Sink destroyed. Slug penetrates G-67 Veteran. Critical hit (Burn: +50). Faulty Cld. Gravmag System destroyed. Slug penetrates G-67 Veteran. Coil Gun destroyed. M-13 Machinist repairs G-67 Veteran. M-13 Machinist repairs Lgt. Antimatter Reactor. Imp. Ion Engine destroyed. Slammed into G-67 Veteran. Critical hit (Burn: +37). Slammed into G-67 Veteran. Imp. Melee Analysis Suite destroyed. Phase Shifter blown off. Lgt. Fission Core blown off. Weapon Cycler blown off. E-15 Imp destroyed. Acquired Cesium-ion Thruster. M-13 Machinist repairs Field Laser. Map ----- +----------------------------------------------------+ | ########## """ # ###### | | # ## # ###### | | # """" ####################### | | # """" ### ################### | | # """" ### ################### | | # """" ### ################### | | # """" ### ################### | | # """" ### ################### | | # ### ################### | | # ### ################### | | # ### ################### | | # ### ################### | | """"####### ############### | | "#""" ############### | | * # ############### | | ############### | | # ############## | | #*= ############### | | / ############## | | # ############## | | = # ############# | | # ############### | | %########################### | | %!%" ! = ########## | | ##"########### ########## | | ## !!# g @ !g # | | # %# # """gml # | | == ### # #l"""! # | | ! =! ###### !! # """ggg # | | ############## ! + l m !# | | #######"####### # | | " """ ### ### ""Y"" # | | " """ ###"" """" ### """"" # | | " """ ###"" """" ### # | | ###"T """" ############ | | " """ ###"" """" ############ | | " """ ###"" """" ############ | | " """ ### """" ############ | | ### ############ | | ######################## | | ######################## | | ######################## | | ############################### | | ############## | | """ """ """ """ ############## | | """ """ """ """ ############## | | """ """ """ """ ############## | | ############## | | ############## | | ############## | +----------------------------------------------------+ Best States ------------- Heat Dissipation 67 Coolant Potential 50 Energy Generation 25 Energy Capacity 465 Matter Stores 300 Matter Capacity 300 Sight Range 21 Terrain Scan Range 30 Terrain Scan Density 1210 Armor Coverage 225 Weapon Cycling 15 Phase Shifting 5 Evasion (%) 50 Melee Accuracy 6 Armor Integrity Analysis 30 Recoil Reduction 2 Offensive Hacking 10 Item Schematics ----------------- None Robot Schematics ------------------ R-06 Scavenger | -7/Recycling | Hacked Fabricated ------------ Nothing Alien Tech Used ----------------- None Achievements -------------- None Challenges ------------ None Game ------ Seed ComponentThermicDoomcannon Manual? 0 Play Time 01:09:06 Cumulative 142.0 hours Start 2024.08.12 @ 22:52:20 End 2024.08.13 @ 01:36:16 Sessions 3 Manual Loads 0 Difficulty Rogue Special Mode None Game No. 136 Rogue 127 Adventurer 9 Explorer 0 Win Type - Total 0 Types 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 Lore% 50 Gallery% 62 Achievement% 48 Wizard Run 0 Options --------- Layout 1 ASCII 0 Keyboard 0 Movement Numpad Keybinds 0 Fullscreen 1 Font 24/Smallcaps Map View 50x35 Zoom Use 0% Tactical HUD 0 Map Filters NONE Filters NONE Steam 1 RUN: 38152800-4ffa-4524-82eb-790bd3ca8656