Cogmind - Beta 13 @@@ ROGUE MODE // 2024.05.12 @ 04:00:25 // Winter2019/RPGLIKE Player: boggy Result: Destroyed by B-36 Bruiser with Hammer Performance ------------- Evolutions (1) 500 Regions Visited (3) 600 Robots Destroyed (97) 485 Value Destroyed (2321) 2321 Prototype IDs (7) 140 Alien Tech Used (0) 0 Bonus (234) 234 TOTAL SCORE: 4280 Bonus ------- High Alert Combat Kills 234 Cogmind --------- Core Integrity 0/600 Matter 202/300 Energy 95/100 System Corruption 11% Temperature Cool (0) Movement Rolling (80) Location -9/Mines Parts ------- > --- POWER (1) -------- (None) > --- PROPULSION (3) --- Wheel > --- UTILITY (5) ------ Experimental Sensor Array System Shield System Shield System Shield > --- WEAPON (2) ------- Advanced Beam Cannon Rocket Launcher > --- INVENTORY (0) ---- (None) Peak State ------------ > --- POWER ------------ (None) > --- PROPULSION ------- Wheel > --- UTILITY ---------- Experimental Sensor Array System Shield System Shield System Shield System Shield > --- WEAPON ----------- Advanced Beam Cannon Rocket Launcher > --- INVENTORY -------- (None) [Rating: 27] Favorites ----------- Power Heavy Ion Engine Engine Heavy Ion Engine Propulsion Armored Wheel Wheel Armored Wheel Hover Unit Improved Hover Unit Utility System Shield Device Improved Terrain Scanner Processor Salvage Targeting Computer Hackware System Shield Protection Hardened Light Armor Plating Weapon Flak Cannon Energy Gun EM Pulse Gun Energy Cannon Beam Cannon Ballistic Gun Heavy Assault Rifle Ballistic Cannon Flak Cannon Launcher Grenade Launcher Special Melee Weapon Improved Datajack Build | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Slots Evolved 7 | 3 2 . 2 Power . | . . . . Propulsion 2 | . . . 2 Utility 4 | 3 1 . . Weapon 1 | . 1 . . Parts Attached 33 | 5 9 16 3 Power 5 | 1 . 4 . Engine 5 | 1 . 4 . Core . | . . . . Reactor . | . . . . Propulsion 5 | 1 3 . 1 Treads . | . . . . Leg . | . . . . Wheel 4 | 1 2 . 1 Hover 1 | . 1 . . Flight . | . . . . Utility 11 | 2 2 6 1 Device 3 | 2 . . 1 Storage . | . . . . Processor 2 | . 2 . . Hackware 5 | . . 5 . Protection 1 | . . 1 . Artifact . | . . . . Weapon 12 | 1 4 6 1 Energy Gun 2 | 1 1 . . Energy Cannon 3 | . 1 2 . Ballistic Gun 1 | . 1 . . Ballistic Cannon 3 | . . 3 . Launcher 2 | . 1 . 1 Special Weapon . | . . . . Impact Weapon . | . . . . Slashing Weapon . | . . . . Piercing Weapon . | . . . . Special Melee Weapon 1 | . . 1 . Unidentified Prototypes 2 | . . 1 1 Parts Lost 3 | . . 1 2 Power . | . . . . Propulsion 1 | . . . 1 Utility 1 | . . . 1 Weapon 1 | . . 1 . Highest Loss Streak 1 | . . 1 1 To Critical Strikes . | . . . . Average Slot Usage (%) 92 | . 91 94 86 Engine 8 | . 12 7 . Wheel 11 | . 12 11 9 Device 8 | . 26 2 3 Processor 7 | . 24 2 . Hackware 37 | . . 49 50 Energy Cannon 6 | . . 8 11 Ballistic Cannon 4 | . . 7 . Launcher 5 | . 7 4 10 Naked Turns . | . . . . Heaviest Build 21 | 9 13 21 9 Greatest Support 17 | 10 12 17 17 Greatest Overweight (x) 2 | . 2 1 . Average Overweight (x) . | . . . . Largest Inventory Capacity . | . . . . Average Capacity . | . . . . Most Carried . | . . . . Average Carried . | . . . . Final Capacity . | . . . . Final Carried . | . . . . Class Distribution -------------------- 66% | Wizard-Mutant 26% | Mutant 6% | Hacker-Mutant Dominant Class ---------------- Mutant | -10/Materials Wizard-Mutant | -9/Materials Wizard-Mutant | -9/Mines Resources | -11 -10 -9 -9 ----------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Matter Collected 1800 | 250 498 921 131 Remotely . | . . . . Salvage Created 1524 | 215 453 715 141 Parts 183 | 16 49 107 11 Haulers Intercepted 4 | . 1 3 . Recyclers Shooed 2 | . 1 1 . Parts Field Recycled . | . . . . Retrieved Matter . | . . . . Parts Self-Destructed . | . . . . Prevented . | . . . . Kills | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Combat Hostiles Destroyed 58 | . 15 36 7 Guns 5 | . 5 . . Cannons 33 | . . 30 3 AOE 19 | . 10 5 4 Classes Destroyed 11 | 3 5 2 1 Worker 9 | 2 2 3 2 Builder 10 | . 3 7 . Tunneler 10 | 5 2 2 1 Hauler 4 | . 1 3 . Recycler 1 | 1 . . . Watcher 8 | . 3 5 . Swarmer 18 | . 6 12 . Grunt 26 | . 9 13 4 Duelist 1 | . . 1 . Sentry 10 | . . 10 . Assembled 3 | . . . 3 Best Kill Streak 8 | 7 4 8 4 Combat Bots Only 4 | . 4 4 3 Max Kills in Single Turn 3 | 1 2 3 2 Gunslinging . | . . . . Exploded 3 | . 2 3 1 Melee . | . . . . Uniques/NPCs Destroyed . | . . . . Combat | -11 -10 -9 -9 -------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Hostile Shots Fired 205 | . 57 126 22 Missed 52 | . 12 34 6 Damage Taken 2601 | 58 635 1418 490 Core 2147 | 52 515 1164 416 Absorbed by Shields . | . . . . Redirected to Core 1542 | 20 383 884 255 Regen/Repaired (Parts) 46 | . . 46 . Core Remaining (%) 59 | 91 28 . . Volleys Fired 345 | 25 90 205 25 Largest 2 | 1 1 2 2 Hottest 136 | 40 40 136 101 Shots Fired 466 | 25 90 307 44 Gun 74 | 25 49 . . Cannon 301 | . . 276 25 Launcher 91 | . 41 31 19 Special . | . . . . Kinetic 148 | . 46 102 . Thermal 199 | . . 174 25 Explosive 91 | . 41 31 19 Electromagnetic 28 | 25 3 . . Robot Hit Streak 16 | 7 9 16 4 Robot Miss Streak 14 | 4 2 14 1 Penetration Max . | . . . . Secondary Targets . | . . . . Shots Hit Robots 190 | 17 28 132 13 Core Hits 165 | 8 35 107 15 Critical Kills 1 | . . 1 . Critical Parts Destroyed . | . . . . Critical Strikes 2 | 1 . 1 . Meltdown 1 | . . 1 . Corrupt 1 | 1 . . . Melee Attacks 3 | . . 3 . Impact . | . . . . Slashing . | . . . . Piercing . | . . . . Sneak Attacks 3 | . . 3 . Combat Hostiles . | . . . . Follow-up Attacks . | . . . . Damage Inflicted 5767 | 318 1758 2960 731 Guns 584 | 224 360 . . Cannons 2447 | . . 2257 190 Explosions 2735 | 94 1398 702 541 Melee . | . . . . Ramming 1 | . . 1 . Kinetic 1451 | . 320 1131 . Thermal 1851 | 94 216 1275 266 Explosive 2199 | . 1181 553 465 Electromagnetic 265 | 224 41 . . Impact . | . . . . Slashing . | . . . . Piercing . | . . . . Highest Corruption 11 | . . 3 11 Average Corruption 2 | . . 2 6 Corruption Purged . | . . . . Corruption Blocked . | . . . . Effects 26 | . . 19 7 Message Errors 11 | . . 10 1 Matter Fused 3 | . . 3 . Heat Flow Errors 3 | . . . 3 Parts Fused 1 | . . 1 . Data Loss (minor) 3 | . . 2 1 Data Loss (major) 1 | . . 1 . Misfires 2 | . . 1 1 Weapon Failures 2 | . . 1 1 Overload Shots . | . . . . Overflow Damage 208 | 6 132 70 . Projectiles 15 | . . 15 . Explosions 193 | 6 132 55 . Melee . | . . . . Knockbacks 27 | . . 27 . Impact . | . . . . Kinetic 26 | . . 26 . Secondary 1 | . . 1 . Self-Inflicted Damage 778 | 59 199 324 196 Shots 25 | 2 7 10 6 Rammed 1 | . . 1 . Targets Rammed 1 | . . 1 . Kicked . | . . . . Crushed . | . . . . Highest Temperature 352 | 12 10 352 164 Average Temperature 66 | 12 4 68 48 Received Heat Transfer 555 | . 126 372 57 Effects 1 | . . 1 . Short Circuit 1 | . . 1 . Siege Activations . | . . . . Robots Corrupted . | . . . . Combat Hostiles . | . . . . Parts Fried 2 | 2 . . . Impact Corruptions . | . . . . Robots Melted 1 | . . 1 . Combat Hostiles 1 | . . 1 . Parts Melted 6 | 1 . 5 . Heat Transferred 3227 | 150 200 2444 433 Parts Sabotaged . | . . . . Parts Stolen . | . . . . Parts Stripped . | . . . . Power Chain Reactions 4 | 3 1 . . Alert | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Peak Influence 870 | 40 870 621 524 Initial 304 | . 26 304 214 Average 320 | 16 370 318 379 Maximum Alert Level 3 | . 3 2 2 Low Security (%) 27 | 100 22 27 . Level 1 30 | . 41 27 53 Level 2 37 | . 20 45 46 Level 3 3 | . 14 . . Level 4 . | . . . . Level 5 . | . . . . High Security . | . . . . Max Security . | . . . . Squads Dispatched 6 | . 3 3 . Investigation 4 | . 2 2 . Extermination . | . . . . Reinforcement 2 | . 1 1 . Assault . | . . . . Garrison . | . . . . Intercept . | . . . . Searches Triggered . | . . . . Construction Impeded . | . . . . Haulers Reinforced . | . . . . Active Scanning Responses . | . . . . Cargo Convoy Interrupts . | . . . . Stealth | -11 -10 -9 -9 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Distress Signals 3 | . . 3 . Communications Jammed . | . . . . Distress Signals . | . . . . Times Spotted 77 | . 21 49 7 Peak Tracking Total 6 | . 4 6 4 Tactical Retreats 1 | . . . 1 Traps | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Traps Triggered 3 | . . 3 . Indirectly . | . . . . Trap Hack Attempts . | . . . . Triggered . | . . . . Disarmed . | . . . . Reprogrammed . | . . . . Reused . | . . . . Traps Extracted . | . . . . Installed . | . . . . Triggered . | . . . . Machines | -11 -10 -9 -9 ---------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Machines Disabled 46 | . 19 21 6 Max in Single Turn 4 | . 4 2 4 Machines Repaired . | . . . . Machines Dismantled . | . . . . Machines Sabotaged . | . . . . Overloaded Fab Kills . | . . . . Hacking | -11 -10 -9 -9 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Machines Accessed 22 | . 8 14 . Terminals 19 | . 8 11 . Fabricators . | . . . . Repair Stations 1 | . . 1 . Recycling Units 2 | . . 2 . Scanalyzers . | . . . . Garrison Access . | . . . . Total Hacks 125 | . 33 92 . Successful 87 | . 22 65 . Failed 38 | . 11 27 . Catastrophic 7 | . . 7 . Database Lockouts . | . . . . Manual . | . . . . Terminals 118 | . 33 85 . Fabricators . | . . . . Repair Stations 2 | . . 2 . Recycling Units 5 | . . 5 . Scanalyzers . | . . . . Garrison Access . | . . . . Terminal Hacks 80 | . 22 58 . Record 27 | . 11 16 . Robot Analysis 4 | . . 4 . Prototype ID Bank 3 | . 1 2 . Branch Access Points 2 | . 1 1 . Emergency Access Points 1 | . . 1 . Machine Index 1 | . . 1 . Terminal Index 1 | . . 1 . Recycling Unit Index 1 | . 1 . . Alert Level 8 | . . 8 . Unreport Threat 7 | . . 7 . Dispatch Records 5 | . 2 3 . Maintenance Status 4 | . 1 3 . Security Status 1 | . . 1 . Surveillance Status 1 | . . 1 . Patrol Status 2 | . . 2 . Transport Status 2 | . . 2 . Investigation Status 1 | . . 1 . Reinforcement Status 1 | . . 1 . Recall Reinforcements 2 | . 1 1 . Hauler Manifests 2 | . 1 1 . Registered Components 1 | . 1 . . Registered Prototypes 1 | . 1 . . Zone Layout 2 | . 1 1 . Fabricator Hacks . | . . . . Repair Station Hacks 2 | . . 2 . Scan Component 1 | . . 1 . Repair 1 | . . 1 . Recycling Unit Hacks 5 | . . 5 . Process 1 | . . 1 . Report Inventory 1 | . . 1 . Retrieve Matter 2 | . . 2 . Retrieve Components 1 | . . 1 . Scanalyzer . | . . . . Garrison Access Hacks . | . . . . Unauthorized Hacks . | . . . . Terminals . | . . . . Fabricators . | . . . . Repair Stations . | . . . . Recycling Units . | . . . . Scanalyzers . | . . . . Garrison Access . | . . . . Data Cores Recovered . | . . . . Used . | . . . . Hacking Detections 15 | . 7 8 . Full Trace Events 3 | . 3 . . Feedback Events . | . . . . Feedback Blocked . | . . . . Robot Schematics Acquired . | . . . . Robots Built . | . . . . Authchips . | . . . . Time . | . . . . Total Robot Build Rating . | . . . . Part Schematics Acquired . | . . . . Parts Built . | . . . . Authchips . | . . . . Time . | . . . . Total Part Build Rating . | . . . . Parts Repaired 1 | . . 1 . Time 38 | . . 38 . Parts Recycled . | . . . . Recycled Matter . | . . . . Retrieved Matter 313 | . . 313 . Retrieved Components 10 | . . 10 . Parts Scanalyzed . | . . . . Part Schematics Acquired . | . . . . Parts Damaged . | . . . . Bothacking | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------------ Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Used RIF Installer . | . . . . Robots Hacked 1 | . . 1 . Non-combat 1 | . . 1 . Combat . | . . . . Robot Hacks Applied 1 | . . 1 . find_recycling 1 | . . 1 . Relay Couplers Released . | . . . . Fabnet Peak Effective % . | . . . . Robots Rewired . | . . . . Allies Hacked . | . . . . Hacks Repelled . | . . . . Allies | -11 -10 -9 -9 -------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Total Allies . | . . . . Largest Group . | . . . . Highest-Rated Group . | . . . . Highest-Rated Ally . | . . . . Total Orders . | . . . . Ally Attacks . | . . . . Total Damage . | . . . . Kills . | . . . . Allies Corrupted . | . . . . Allies Melted . | . . . . Intel | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Robot Analysis Total 4 | . . 4 . Derelict Logs Recovered 1 | . . . 1 Drone Launches . | . . . . Drone Recoveries . | . . . . Exploration | -11 -10 -9 -9 ------------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Turns Passed 3448 | 154 805 2294 195 Spaces Moved 2563 | 123 674 1618 148 Core 22 | 6 1 . 15 Treads . | . . . . Legs . | . . . . Wheels 2541 | 117 673 1618 133 Hover . | . . . . Flight . | . . . . Fastest Speed 50 | 50 80 90 50 Average Speed 93 | 78 89 98 79 Slowest Speed 150 | 80 150 105 90 Overloaded Moves . | . . . . Propulsion Burnouts . | . . . . Robots Hopped . | . . . . Cave-ins Triggered . | . . . . Exploration Rate (%) 58 | 6 92 94 43 Regions Visited 3 Branch Regions 1 Pre-discovered Areas . | . . . . Known Exits Taken 1 | . . 1 . Unknown Exits Taken 2 | 1 1 . . Scrap Searched 2 | . . . 2 Spaces Dug 4 | . . 4 . Terrain Destroyed 821 | 11 299 337 174 Melee . | . . . . Projectile 2 | . . . 2 AOE 819 | 11 299 337 172 Terrain Rammed . | . . . . Walls Destroyed . | . . . . Machines Disabled . | . . . . Actions | -11 -10 -9 -9 --------- Run | Yrd Mat Mat Min Total 3131 | 152 786 2012 181 Wait 96 | . 1 95 . Move 2560 | 122 673 1617 148 Hop . | . . . . Pick Up . | . . . . Fast Attach 33 | 5 9 16 3 Attach . | . . . . Detach 3 | . . 2 1 Swap . | . . . . Drop 18 | . 6 11 1 Fire 345 | 25 90 205 25 Melee 3 | . . 3 . Ram 1 | . . 1 . Kick . | . . . . Crush . | . . . . Escape Stasis . | . . . . Rewire . | . . . . Trap . | . . . . Miscellaneous 72 | . 7 62 3 Route ------- -11/Scrapyard -10/Materials (discovered 4 exits: *Mat x3 / *Min) -9/Materials (discovered 5 exits: [*Mat x3] / *Min / *Sto) -9/Mines History --------- Turn | Location | Event 12 | -11/Scrapyard | Upgraded with Utility slot (x3) 19 | -11/Scrapyard | Discovered new exit (range 15) 155 | -11/Scrapyard | Entered Materials 232 | -10/Materials | Identified exit to Mines 309 | -10/Materials | Build established: Mutant 384 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 15) 454 | -10/Materials | Core integrity fell below 50% 541 | -10/Materials | Reached level 2 542 | -10/Materials | Upgraded with Utility slot (x1) 739 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 15) 894 | -10/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 7) 895 | -10/Materials | Core integrity fell below 20% 897 | -10/Materials | Reached level 3 930 | -10/Materials | Upgraded with Weapon slot (x1) 960 | -10/Materials | Entered another Materials area 961 | -9/Materials | Core integrity fell below 50% 962 | -9/Materials | Reached level 4 1025 | -9/Materials | Core integrity fell below 20% 1276 | -9/Materials | Reached level 5 1385 | -9/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 13) 1476 | -9/Materials | Build established: Wizard-Mutant 1742 | -9/Materials | Reached level 6 1830 | -9/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 16) 2093 | -9/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 10) 2138 | -9/Materials | Identified exit to Mines 2138 | -9/Materials | Identified exit to Storage 2374 | -9/Materials | Reached level 7 2651 | -9/Materials | Reached level 8 2655 | -9/Materials | Discovered new exit (range 10) 2739 | -9/Materials | Repaired Flak Cannon 3254 | -9/Materials | Entered Mines 3296 | -9/Mines | Excavation squad dispatched 3296 | -9/Mines | A large section of the Mines collapsed 3369 | -9/Mines | Found a damaged Exp. Sensor Array with a note attached 3371 | -9/Mines | Found Prototype Device 3371 | -9/Mines | Identified Exp. Sensor Array 3419 | -9/Mines | Learned Materials security intel 3435 | -9/Mines | Reached level 9 3439 | -9/Mines | Upgraded with Propulsion slot (x2) 3446 | -9/Mines | System corruption reached 10% 3449 | -9/Mines | Destroyed by B-36 Bruiser with Hammer Last Messages --------------- enough to trigger assault squads over in the main complex, and they later decided the best way to defend their interests would be to start expanding in this direction." 03399_ System corrupted: Heat flow error (+201). 03419_ Acquired derelict log, extracted data. Data stored: Materials security intel. 03424_ K-01 Serf collects debris. 03433_ Searching scrap... 03433_ Found Disposable Heat Sink. 03433_ Found Lgt. Armor Plating. 03433_ Found 22 Matter. 03434_ Acquired 22 matter. 03435_ Pulverizer disabled. 03435_ Reached level 9. [Achievement: Dramatic Entrance] 03439_ Upgraded: Propulsion Slot (+2) 03442_ OU4TF QN>SLQSS